About Burundi Ngozi Rimiro Washing Station
Arrived early March 2019, new crop.
This coffee hails from the Rimiro Washing Station in Ngozi Province, in Northern Burundi. The washing station processes coffee cherry for over 1700 farmers. The majority of coffee in Burundi is grown by subsistance farmers, who grow food crops for their own supply as well as some cash crops (like coffee), not on larger factory farms or plantations, as is the norm in other countries. Coffee, once picked, is rushed to the local washing station for processing. The traditional processing method involves pulping the coffee and "dry fermenting" it up to twelve hours, at which point it gets washed in clean mountain water for another 12-24 hours. The beans are then soaked for an additional 12-18 hours before being dried in parchment on raised beds.
Dried coffees (with the parchment still intact) from this washing station are then transported to the Budeca Dry Mill, where the parchment is removed and the coffee gets ready to be bagged and exported.
The popularity of specialty coffee production has risen in Burundi in recent years, as it earns higher premiums for farmer members of washing stations. Coffee marketing legislation enacted in 2008 allows for direct sales contracts between Burundian producers and international coffee buyers, roasters and importers (exportation and marketing were previously controlled by the government). This legislation also permits the payment of a quality premium to those responsible for producing "specialty" coffee, which follows a similar model in Rwanda where coffee quality has seen major improvement in recent years.
- Province: Ngozi
- Commune: Ruhororo
- Altitude: 1558 Meters above sea level
- Coffee Variety: Bourbon
- Processing: Washed
- Harvest: June-September
Cup Characteristics: Generally bright, with notes of grapefruit, rhubarb and peach.
Roasting Notes: Bourbon coffees tend to be sturdy and dense, and as such can be roasted to most levels. Our personal preference is to pull at the very start of 2nd Crack; at this level some high notes are present while the chocolate elements of the coffee are well defined.