About Guatemala Finca La Hermosa Las Luchas Microlot
Arrived mid-October, newest crop in Grain-Pro.
This is our first time offering coffee from Finca La Hermosa. It was originally part of the vast Finca La Colina, which was split up into different sections by the owner. One parcel of land, known as "San Mateo", was passed onto the owners son, and further divided up into smaller sections by his descendents. In 2010, Max Perez was able to buy all of the land that was originally part of San Mateo; it is now known as Finca La Hermosa. Max Perez grew up around coffee farms, and always dreamed of owning one someday. His dedication and meticulous attention to detail in his farming practices have not gone unnoticed. La Hermosa has one two awards in the Best of Guatemala Competition, one in 2013 for a washed Typica, and one in 2018 for a natural processed Pacamara-Geisha blend.
Finca La Hermosa is divided into 13 plots by varietal, but one part of the farm is set aside as a forest preserve with the goal of maintaining biodiversity. They grow traditional varietals like Pache, Typica, Caturra and Bourbon, as well as high-end varietals like Pacamara, Geisha and Maragogype (like this lot). The Maragogype bean is a natural mutation of Typica discovered in Brazil in 1870. The beans tend to be much larger than most varietals, as do the coffee plant leaves. This a rare opportunity to try a Maragogype bean, as few farmers grow it; not only does it have lower yields than other varietals, but it is also very susceptible to several coffee tree diseases, which can destroy an entire crop.
- Department: Chimaltenango
- Municipality: Acatenango
- Altitude: 1820-1890 meters above sea level
- Coffee variety: Maragogype
- Processing: Washed
- Harvest: January-March
Cup Characteristics: A big flavor profile with high notes in the background. Not a lot of acidity, which is somewhat unusual for a high grown coffee like this. Red apple flavor with earthy, milk chocolate notes. Smooth and silky on the palate.
Roasting Notes: City+ to FC. There is a lot of character here to capture, so going too dark is not to your advantage. A darker roast will diminish the more delicate and floral elements this coffee has to offer.