About Zambia AA Issanya Estates
Arrived beginning September in Grainpro. First offering.
This is a Zambia AA grade certified coffee from the Olam owned and operated Issanya Estate located in the Mafinga Hills subregion of Zambia's Northern Province. Issanya Estate is comprised of 1,600 hectares and ranges from 1500-1600 masl. The Kateshi & Issanya coffee estates are large properties that cover a combined area of 2,438 hectares of land, of which 1,277 are planted with coffee, and 1,161 are dedicated conservation areas and buffer zones. Both estates carry Rainforest Alliance, Utz and 4C certification.
- Harvest Season: 2020/21
- Coffee Grade: AA
- Bag Type: Grain Pro lined
- Plant Species Arabica
- Processing: Fully Washed
- Farm Name: Issanya Esates
- Growing Altitude: 1500-1650 feet
Zambia Coffee Growing
The Northern province has the best conditions for arabica coffee cultivation in Zambia with its relative proximity to the equator and abundant altitude (Mafinga Hills being the highest point in the country at 2,300 masl). Most coffee grows between 1300 - 2300 meters above sea level. Zambia produces both washed and natural processed coffee and has introduced some honey processing. A wide range of varieties including Catimor 129, Castillo, Java, and other trial varieties. Specialty grades are AAA, AA, AB and Peaberry.
Coffee in Zambia - History
Coffee was introduced to Zambia from Tanzania and Kenya in the middle of the 20th century. The industry did not get traction until missionaries introduced coffee farming in Zambia in the 1950s and exportation did not occur until the1984/85 season. By the time commercial coffee production began in Zambia, the British had considerable experience in starting and operating coffee plantations in India, Kenya, and elsewhere. Planting coffee was an attempt to decrease a dependence on copper exports; Zambia is the 4th largest producer of copper in the world, 2nd in Africa. Not surprisingly, the initial emphasis was on yield and production efficiencies, however, in recent years production has been more driven by quality considerations. Zambia presents an extremely hot climate and as such is something of a testing ground for various Arabica coffee varieties as the coffee world prepares for even hotter climates later this century.
Cup Characteristics: Aromas of black cherry and brown spices. Cinnamon, cocoa. Some wild, exotic flavors.
Roasting Notes: Similar to other African Bourbon origins this coffee can be roasted throughout the range from light to dark.